Delaware Grace Church Loss of a Spouse
October 14, 2024 at 1:00 pm
Event location
Delaware Grace Church
375 Hills-Miller Road, Delaware, OH 43015 • Directions
Loss of a Spouse promotional trailer
See excerpts from GriefShare’s Loss of a Spouse.
Event information
Contact person
Meeting Format
Discussion Language
Meeting room
Church sponsor
Grieving the death of a spouse? Your life has changed forever. The daily emotions and challenges can seem too hard to bear. Find help and encouragement at this seminar, which includes a DVD and group discussion time with others who have also experienced the loss of their spouse. A GriefShare companion guide on understanding grief, as well as finding comfort and direction during this time of pain and uncertainty will be provided. * WOULD YOU LIKE ADDITIONAL SUPPORT THROUGH THE HOLIDAYS? Join our 13 week GriefShare seminar that wraps around the holidays and starts on Monday, November 11th through March 3rd, at 1:00 pm.
You may also be interested in attending our Surviving the Holidays Seminar on Monday, November 4th, from 1 PM to 3:00pm. You can sigh up here on GriefShare’s website or contact us for more information.